Monday, February 22, 2010

What is HillaPinnia?


About a year ago my friends began calling me "hil-a-pedia" (think: Wikipedia) because I constantly share information on a given topic, whether or not my knowledge was requested. A part of me took offense to this term because it was a not so gentile reminder that I have a (bad) is not easy for me to admit this, but i am a "know-it-all". I never enter into a hey guess how much i know about topic 'x' moment thinking that it might be annoying, nerdy or otherwise unwelcome; rather I begin to disseminate information to my peers, colleagues and family because I am SO EXCITED to share the things I've learned! I love to learn and I love to foster learning and exploration in others. When I have a question about something I look it up and learn until my curiosity is satisfied. I do this on every topic from electric cars, to zumba and Olympic curling. I look it up and I tell the world.

This holiday season my wonderful and very thoughtful friend, Kyl changed my nickname and my outlook. He gave me a website/blog,, to share what i know, learn and see. He named it hillapinnia, a creative 'wikipedia' sounding mix of my first and last names.

Big Thanks to Kyl for his thoughtful and well timed gift. Not only do i intend to use this blog to share the random things i learn and know, but I also will write about my one true love, international travel. I am a globetrotter and spend copious amounts of time researching and planning travel around the world. I see international travel as the ultimate education, satisfying my desire to learn more, do more and experience more. This blog will be a place for others to see and share in my travels and experiences.

I look forward to updating you regularly as I move forward in the world as a student of life.